Benefits and how to use woven anti-weed fabric for each specific application

Woven anti weed fabric is a simple and effective method to protect crops from weeds. Weed mat can be used in a variety of ways, depending on your specific purpose. In this article, we will learn about the benefits of using PP groud cover and how to apply it to each specific application.

What are the uses of woven anti-weed fabric?

Anti-grass cloth can be used in many different situations. Which includes:

Use for each stump

You can cut small pieces of black weed control mat and place them around the base of the tree to prevent weed growth around and keep the soil moist.

Cover the entire planting ground

You can use garden weed control fabric to cover the entire planting area. This helps prevent weed growth, keeps the soil moist, and protects plants from pests.

Take advantage of the available woven anti-weed fabric sizes

You can take advantage of the anti-weed bariers sizes available from the supplier. Then cut them into small pieces that match the size of the area you want to cover.

Covering nursery garden

Anti-weed fabric can be used in nurseries to protect seedlings from excessive sun, to help maintain moisture and to create an ideal environment for seedling growth.

Cover with weed control mats for garden to kill weeds from both sides

If you want to kill weeds in a large area, you can place woven anti-weed fabric from either side of the area. This blocks light and space for the weed, making it difficult to grow and helping to remove it quickly.

Use Polypropylene Ground Cover in the middle of the aisle

You can use a weed mat to cover a path or garden path. This helps prevent weed growth along the way and makes the walkway cleaner.

How to use woven anti-weed fabric for each specific application

Use anti-grass tarpaulin for each specific case as follows:

Use woven polypropylene weed barrier for tree stumps

Step 1: Measure the size of the stump and cut the fabric accordingly.

Step 2: Place the tarpaulin around the base of the tree, covering the area around the base.

Step 3: Make sure that the weed control mat cover the base of the tree and the entire surrounding area to prevent weed growth and keep the soil moist.

Cover the entire planting ground

Step 1: Determine the size of the planting area and cut the mat accordingly.

Step 2: Place the pp woven weed control fabric on the ground, covering the entire planting area.

Step 3: If necessary, use a heavy object (e.g. brick, stone, wood) to hold the fabric in place.

Step 4: Make sure that the landscape fabric roll covers the entire planting ground, preventing weed growth, keeping the soil moist and protecting the plants from pests.

Take advantage of the woven anti-weed fabric sizes

Step 1: Determine the required size for the area you want to cover.

Step 2: Cut the fabric from the available weed membrane roll into small pieces that match the size of the area.

Step 3: Place the fabric on the ground or around the plants to be covered.

Step 4: Make sure the anti weed fabric fully cover the area you want to protect

Covering the nursery garden

Step 1: Measure and determine the area of ​​the nursery that you want to cover.

Step 2: Choose a suitable ground cover membrane, usually white PP ground cover or black landscape fabric.

Step 3: Spread the fabric over the seedling area that needs to be protected from the sun.

Step 4: Secure the corners of the weed mat to the ground using weed barrier pins or a stack of rocks to ensure it is not blown away by the wind.

Step 5: Check and adjust the fabric to make sure it completely covers the seedlings and creates an ideal environment for their growth.

Step 6: Keep the PP Weed Mat for as long as needed, usually a few weeks until the seedlings are large enough and can better tolerate the sun.

Covering with weed control barrier cloth from both sides:

Step 1: Identify the area where you want to kill weeds.

Step 2: Spread cloth from both sides of that area, making sure the cloth covers the entire area to be treated.

Step 3: Secure the corners of the cloth to the ground using pins or stacks of rocks to hold the cloth in place.

Step 4: Wait for a period of time, usually 2 to 4 weeks, for the fabric to block light and space for the weed, thereby making it difficult for it to grow and die.

Step 5: After sufficient time, remove the fabric and remove dead weeds. You can also use mechanical methods like mowing or raking to make sure weeds don't re-grow.

Use woven anti-weed fabric in the middle of the aisle:

Step 1: Measure and determine the length and width of the walkway you want to cover.

Step 2: Choose a fabric suitable for the size of the aisle, usually black or canvas.

Step 3: Spread the fabric over the walkway and align it so that the black fabric covers the entire aisle area.

Step 4: Secure the corners of the fabric to the ground using pins, pegs or a stack of rocks to ensure it is not blown away by the wind.

Step 5: Check and adjust the woven weed block fabric to make sure it doesn't sink and completely covers the weeds.

Step 6: Keep the fabric for as long as necessary to prevent weed growth on the path and make it cleaner.

Step 7: Check periodically and remove any weeds that appear under the fabric.


In summary, the use of woven anti-weed fabric in the garden is a simple and effective solution to protect plants. And control weeds and maintain an ideal environment for plant growth. If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact us at the address at the end of the article. We are always happy to advise and assist you in using effective weed control mat to care for and protect your garden.


🌐 Address: Central Lake 1 Building, Aqua Bay, Ecopark, Phung Cong Commune, Van Giang, Hung Yen

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