How to effectively clean grass before using weed barriers for vegetable gardens

When you're about to use weed barriers for vegetable gardens to cover your planting area or garden, cleaning the lawn beforehand is an important step. The weed cleaning process ensures not only the prevention of weed regrowth but also creates a good environment for plants. Here are the steps needed to effectively clean grass before using a polypropylene fabric weed mat in the garden.

The type of weed that needs to be removed before using weed barriers for vegetable gardens

Before using ground cover, there are some special weeds that need to be removed to ensure the best effect. Here are some common grass that you should get rid of:


This is a naturally occurring grass that thrives in a variety of conditions. Weeds can have strong roots and the ability to spread quickly, hindering the growth of other crops. Examples include Equisetum arvense and Setaria viridis.

Grass clinging to the ground

This grass has the ability to grow and stick to the soil. Its roots can spread and penetrate the area under the woven weed cloth. For example, Cynodon dactylon and Paspalum vaginatum.

Climbing grass

This grass has the ability to climb other trees and structures. Creeping weeds can enter covered areas and damage crops. Examples are Cyperus rotundus and Cynanchum nigrum.

Poaceae grass

This grass has deep roots and is resistant to extreme conditions. Butt grass can penetrate through mulch and interfere with plant growth. Examples include Sorghum halepense and Paspalum distichum.

Turbid grass

This weed has a strong and opaque root system that can penetrate deep into the soil and interfere with plant growth. Examples include Agropyron repens and Cynodon sp.

06 steps to clean grass before using weed barriers for vegetable gardens

Here are 6 specific steps to clean grass before using a garden weed barrier

Prepare the necessary tools

Before starting the lawn cleaning process, make sure that you have gathered all the necessary tools. Here are the important tools that you should prepare:

  • Lawn mower: A lawn mower ensures that you can cut weeds down to a low and convenient height.

  • Shovel: Use a shovel to remove the grass from the base and get the entire root system of the grass.

  • Lawn Compressor: A stick or other pointed tool can be used to compress the grass to the ground, flattening and firming it.

  • Weed control mat: Make sure you have enough mat or other covering material to cover the cleaned area.

By preparing these tools in advance, you will save time and effort when starting the grass-cleaning process before applying the woven ground cover.

Cut grass short

One of the key steps to effective lawn cleaning is using a lawn mower to cut the grass to a low height. This has many benefits as follows:

  • Reduce grass density: Mowing the lawn to a low height will reduce the concentration of grass in that area. This makes it easier to clean the grass in the next steps.

  • Reduce the thickness of the grass: When the grass is cut down, the thickness of the grass will also be reduced. This makes weed removal easier and helps ensure that the grass doesn't grow back too quickly.

  • Create a flat Ground: By mowing the lawn down to the same height, you create a flat surface for later cleaning and covering.

Manual weed removal

To effectively clean the grass before applying the mulch, use a shovel or suitable tool to remove the grass from the base. Here are the detailed step-by-step instructions:

  • Identify the area to be cleaned: Clearly define the area where you want to remove the grass from the root.

  • Use the right tool: Choose a shovel or other tool with a sharp blade to remove grass from the base. Make sure the tool is sharp and suitable for the type of grass you are dealing with.

  • Dig deep into the roots of the grass: Place the tool in the soil near the roots of the grass and dig down to remove the grass from the base. Try to get the entire root system of the grass to make sure there isn't any left to regenerate.

  • Pat the soil: After removing the weed from the base, pat the surrounding soil lightly to ensure that no weed seeds are left in the area.

  • Remove collected weeds: Collect discarded weeds and dispose of them in an appropriate manner, such as composting or throwing them away.

Lay the heavy duty weed membrane

Once the grass area has been cleaned, the next step is to place Weed Control Cloth or other best weed control material over the area to prevent weeds from growing back. Here are some suggestions for doing it:

  • Choose a covering material.

  • Measure and cut materials.

  • Place cover material.

  • Completely covered.

  • Check and adjust.

  • Maintain and check periodically.

Remember that weeding before using weed barriers for vegetable gardens is important to create a favorable environment for plants to grow. Hopefully, through this article, you have found useful information to effectively clean grass before using landscape fabric in the garden. If you want to own the anti weed fabric in the garden at a favorable price, please contact us at the address at the end of the article.

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Economic benefits when using garden weed barriers