Do you know the pros and cons of agricultural Ground Cover/Weed Mat?

Agricultural crops such as potatoes, peppers, cucumbers, squash, eggplants, watermelons, okra, etc. have shown a significant increase in the quality or production of vegetables and fruits. When planted on agricultural Ground Cover/Weed Mat. So what are the specific advantages and disadvantages of agricultural Ground Cover on crops? Let's learn about EPP Vietnam to clarify this topic through the content of the article below.

Overview of agricultural Ground Cover against weeds

Weed-resistant agricultural Ground Cover is an effective agricultural solution to cover beds and soil to prevent weeds. Today, many farmers choose weed-control Ground Cover to save money and optimize product quality.

Some information about agricultural Ground Cover/Weed Mat against weeds

  • Material: PP/PE

  • Width: 0.4m-6 m

  • Length: According to the customer's request

  • Color: black, green, according to customer requirements

  • Origin: Vietnam

  • Treatment: UV resistant

  • Application: Sowing seeds, planting flowers, planting trees, lining the ground

  • Learn the pros and cons of agricultural Ground Cover

Below, EPP Vietnam will analyze in detail the advantages and disadvantages of agricultural Ground Cover, namely:

About the advantages of agricultural Ground Cover/Weed Mat

Keep the soil temperature stable

Agricultural Ground Cover keeps the ground warm at night, especially during colder months or when there is no sun, cold soil, and poor root development. Ground Cover helps keep the soil warm and stable. The root system of the plant is healthier and grows stronger.

Helps to increase the porosity of the soil

The soil under the agricultural Ground Cover will become looser and softer, allowing for easier absorption of nutrients. The ability of plant roots to receive oxygen and the activity of microorganisms in the soil will also be significantly improved by Ground Cover.

Prevent pathogens, harmful insects

The silvery-gray side helps to reflect sunlight onto the underside of the leaves, keeping the leaves away from insects that live underneath the shallow tons, as brighter, hotter conditions prevent insects from multiplying.

In particular, this silver-gray coating also helps to regulate the temperature of the original soil, absorbing less light and providing more light. Helps plants to photosynthesize better in the rainy season and when there is a lack of sunshine.

Ground Cover prevents pathogens from straw or soil from entering the plant, and when the mulch is removed, it dries quickly after rain and leaves remain dry.

Limit weed growth

The black side of agricultural Ground Cover is to prevent sunlight from reaching the ground and dead grass particles in the mulch hinder weed growth. Weeds will not be able to compete with vegetables for nutrients and will not become a habitat for harmful insects.

At the same time, it also helps to save weeding costs, does not affect the roots, and does not affect the growth of plants.

Save water for irrigation and crop fertilizer

When using agricultural Ground Cover, the amount of fertilizer applied to crops will not flow out through the Ground Cover. Thereby, helping to reduce fertilizer loss and save the amount of fertilizer for plants.

Additionally, evaporation is minimized as less water vapor will pass through the Ground Cover, which will reduce the amount of water needed to water the plants.

NOTE: Conventional sprinkler irrigation is not suitable for gardens that use agricultural Ground Cover because water cannot pass through the mulch to the soil and roots. Therefore, the vertical drip irrigation method is more suitable for crops covered by agricultural Ground Cover.

About the disadvantages of agricultural Ground Cover/Weed Mat

Spend more effort and money

We will have to spend more effort and money to remove agricultural Ground Cover after harvest because it cannot decompose over time. Therefore, now there are self-degradable agricultural coatings after harvest to help farmers save time and effort after harvest.

The initial investment cost is quite high

When having to equip drip irrigation systems and agricultural Ground Cover will increase the initial cost. These costs will be offset by increased sales. Better fruit quality and higher yields from the crop will result in an earlier harvest.

Need to regularly manage and monitor the garden

Agricultural Ground Cover and drip irrigation systems must be carefully and regularly monitored.

Above, is the whole share about the advantages and disadvantages of agricultural Ground Cover - weed control fabric pros and cons. If you have a need to use Jumbo bags, and Ground Cover for agricultural land, please contact EPP Vietnam Co., Ltd at hotline 0986 002 888 for the most detailed advice.


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📲Ms. Jennifer: +84 986 002 888 - 

📲Ms. Ivy: +84 973 650 865 - 

📲 Mr. Lee: +84 976 791 865 -


How to use Ground Cover/Weed Mat against weeds